创新,不仅指技术创新,还包括制度创新、管理创新等诸多方面。创新是经济发展的动 力。制度创新是一切创新的基础和保证,管理创新是各种创新成功的基本条件。当代制度创新和管理创新的特点与趋势归纳起来有七个方面。我国面临的任务是:推进所有制结构的转移与创新;政府管理体制的转换与创新;健全与实现法治;建立一支高素质的专门经营管理队伍;制订和实施我国的创新战略。
Innovation refers not only to technological innovation but also to innovations in many fields such as in system,management,etc.Innovation is the motive force of economic development.Innovation of system is the basis and guarantee of all innovations while innovation of management is an essential condition for the success of all other innovations.Characteristics and tendency of current innovations of system and management can be concluded in seven respects.China's tasks are:promo te transfer and innovation of ownership structure;transform and innovation of government administration system;perfect and carry out control by law ;set up a high quality working force of professional managers;draw up and implement China's own strategy of innovation.
Journal of Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences