从海峡两岸关系入手 ,论述了以“一国两制”构想解决台湾问题的有利条件和不利因素。有利条件包括 :(1)海峡两岸同宗同文 ,中华文化影响源远流长 ,具有强大的亲和力和凝聚力 ;(2 )党和政府审时度势 ,制定、调整、完善对台方针政策 ;(3)实行“一国两制”的目的是为了两岸三地繁荣稳定 ,实现中华民族复兴 ;(4 ) 5 0年巨变 ,我国综合国力迅速增强 ,国际地位日益提高 ;(5 )人民军队革命化、现代化、正规化建设取得丰硕成果。不利因素集中体现在近年来岛内分裂势力在“外交”、政治、经济、文化、军事等方面的“假统真独”活动日渐嚣张。在此基础上 ,分析指出和平方式 ,尤其是采用“一国两制”构想解放台湾问题 ,确是无可替代的最佳方案。
This article expounds that we are facing with favorable conditions and unfavorable factors in settling Taiwan′s problem ,according to “Peaceful Unity,One Nation,Two Systems” conception.The favorable conditions include:(1) there are common ancestry and civilization in both sides of the Taiwan Straits,the Chinese culture has an influence of a distant source and a long stream with a powerful affinity and cohesion;(2) the Communist Party and the Government of the People′s Republic of China formulate,regulate,consummate general and specific policies on Taiwan,judging the hour and sizing up the situation;(3) the aim to put“One Nation,Two Systems” conception into practice is to realize steadiness and prosperty in the both sides and three places,and accomplish the Chinese Nation rejuvenation;(4) the synthetical national power of our country has been increased, and the international standing has been improved after fifty years′ great changes;(5) the Chinese People′s Liberation Army scores a great success in revolutionization,standardization,modernization.The unfavorable factors are reflected in the activities of “phoney unity,true independence” which are increasingly conducted by the splittists in “diplomacy” ,politics,economy,culture,military and so on. On the basis of this,the article analyses and points out the “One Nation,Two Systems” conception is the best irreplaceable solution to settle Taiwan′s problem.
Journal of Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Social Science)