综观抗战胜利前夕苏联的对华政策 ,其基本特征具有双重性 ,出现自相矛盾的现象 :一方面从总体上说 ,苏联还是愿意支持中国革命的 ,但在接收东北这一问题上 ,对中共及其军队既限制又支持 ;另一方面出于与美国争夺远东霸权的战略考虑 ,同时也为了能从国民党政府手中捞取更多的利益 。
Considering the Soviet Union government policy to China during the last period of the Anti Japanese War ,we can see her policy to China had dualism and appeared self contradictory:on the one hand the Soviet Union would like to support the Chinese revolutionary as a whole, but in the problem of Chinese taking over the Northeast, she restricted and supported the Communist Party of China. On the other hand, because of the contest with the U. S. hegemony in the Far East, the Soviet Union made some compromise and restricted the Kuomingdang's government in order to gain more advantages from the Kuomingdang's governement.
Journal of East China Shipbuilding Institute(Social Science Edition)