20世纪前期语文教材编写情况十分复杂 ,这既有社会政治、经济、文化、教育等方面的原因 ,更与语文教育尚处于初步发展阶段密切相关。语文教材编写在不断探索、实践中逐步趋向完善 ,从教材演变发展的总体脉络和不同阶段教材的整体特点可以看出 ,语文教材编写无论在内容选择 ,还是具体的编排方式上都积累了丰富的经验 ,这为新中国成立后的中学语文教材建设提供了良好的基础和借鉴。
In the early period of the 20th century, compiling Chinese teaching materials was very complex, which not only related to all kinds of reasons, such as politics, economy, culture, education and so on, but also because the Chinese education stayed on the initial developing stage. The compilation of Chinese teaching materials tended to be perfect according to the continuous exploration. From the whole development of teaching materials and the entire feature of teaching materials on different stages, we can find that the compilation of Chinese teaching materials accumulated ample experiences not only from the content choosing, but also from the concrete compiling means. This provided a good base and experiences for the construction of middle school's Chinese teaching materials after the People's Republic of China was founded.
Journal of Ningxia University(Humanities & Social Sciences Edition)