从制度与人性的角度对国有企业的低效率问题进行探析 ,认为现有国企制度的低效率并不仅缘于产权制度本身 ,还缘于国企制度体系没有建立起与人性的良性关系。因此主张对国企制度进行适合人性的改造 ,加强对经营者和职工的激励 ,并注重激励的相容性和有效性 ;
Based on the point of system and humanity,the article analyses the reason of the low efficiency of the state-owned enterprises and protests that the reformation of the state-owned enterprises should be connected with better relationship of humanity.Moreover,the author thinks that it is necessary to regulate the action of opportunism of employees and operators on the base of effective inspiration.
Social Science Journal of Xiangtan Polytechnic University