如何才能培养出适应新世纪发展的新型人才 ,关键在教师 ,而教师中的党员又是高校战线的中坚力量。要提高党员教师的质量 ,首先要让邓小平理论入脑入心 ,进而让党员教师真正认清自己的社会责任 ,充分发挥每位党员教师的先锋模范作用。
How can we cultivate new typed talented persons of the new century?Qualified teachers are the key to this question.And the Party members of the teacher of universities are playing more important part.The main problem that we have to deal with is how to further the qualities of the Party members of the teachers.Because of this,Deng xiao-ping's theories must go deep into their hearts and make them know their responsibilities for the society.The Party's functions must be emphasized.They must give full play to their pioneer and model functions.In this way,the universities can cultivate excellent talented people of the new century for our country.
Social Sciences Journal of Universities in Shanxi