经济、社会的可持续发展已成为世界各国的共识 ,并被正式确定为我国经济、社会发展的两大基本战略之一。然而我国在可持续发展问题上面临着严峻的挑战 :人文生态和自然生态同时处于失调状态。改变并消除人文生态和自然生态失调的出路在于改变和优化经济社会的发展模式 ,把可持续发展真正作为发展的指导方针 ,并把发展知识经济作为打开未来大门的真正的钥匙。只有同时实现了生态可持续性、经济可持续性、社会可持续性的同步发展 ,我国以及人类社会的发展才真正进入了良性的运行轨道。
The sustainable development,which is a common recognition in the world,has been set as one of the basic strategies in the development of economy and society of China.However,we are faced with a challenge concerning the issue of sustainable development:the imbalance of social ecology and the imbalance of natural ecology. The elimination of the imbalance lies in the transformation or perfection of economic and social developing mode,in the setting of sustainable development as guiding principle as well as in the development of knowledge economy.Only when we attain the goal of sustainable development of ecology,economy and society can we say the development of China or the world is healthy.
Journal of Zhengzhou University of Light Industry:Social Science Edition