朱兰质量螺旋模型是表征产品质量形成规律性的理论模型 ,而高校人才的培养类似于企业产品的生产 ,因此我们可以将这一理论模型应用于人才培养过程。高校人才质量的形成过程包括专业设置、课程设置、招生、教学、辅助教学、毕业分配等环节 ,涉及高校行政、教学、教务、图书、设备、医院、食堂、水电、环卫、保卫等每一个部门。鉴于高校中的每个部门都对人才的培养承担一定的质量责任 ,高校应明确各部门的质量职能 ,加强质量管理 ,以进一步提高高校的办学水平。
Juran quality spiral is a theoretical model that expresses the processing regularity of product quality.The cultivation of personnel in colleges and universities is similar to the production in enterprises. So we apply it to the process of cultivating personnel.The college process of qualified personnel includes such aspect as major designing,course designing,enrollment,teaching activity,job assignment on graduation,supplementary teaching etc.,and these aspects involve every department in colleges and universities,such as administrative department,educational administration,library,equipment,hospital depootment,canteen,water and electricity supply,environmental asnitation department.Every department undertakes some quality responsibility on cultivating personnel.So colleges and universities must explicit their quality function,enhance quality management in order to improve their education and management quality.
Journal of Zhengzhou University of Light Industry:Social Science Edition