
参麦注射液在尿毒症非透析期低血压中的应用 被引量:4

The Use of Shenmai Injection for Hypotension of Patients with Uremia during Non-dialysis Phases
摘要 目的 :运用参麦注射液治疗尿毒症维持性血液透析患者非透析期间的低血压 ,改善患者透析期间耐受性 ,提高透析质量。方法 :16例低血压患者静脉注射参麦注射液 40mL ,qd ,疗程 2周。对用药前后的血压改变情况进行观察 ,运用尿素清除率 (Kt/V)对用药前后的透析质量进行分析评价。结果 :用药前全部病例的收缩压平均 (85 .79±10 .3 8)mmHg ,舒张压平均 (5 4.96± 9.70 )mmHg ,Kt/V =1.0 5± 0 .2 7;用药后全部病例血压均明显上升 ,收缩压达平均(12 4.2 8± 12 .18)mmHg ,舒张压平均 (76.84± 7.74)mmHg。经自身对照t检验 ,差异有极显著性 (P <0 .0 1)。血压升高后的Kt/V也有明显升高 ,达 1.5 4± 0 .2 3 ,P <0 .0 1。结论 :运用参麦注射液治疗后 ,尿毒症维持性血液透析患者非透析期间的低血压状态得到纠正 ,透析治疗得到保证 。 Objective:To study the use of Shenmai injection in the treatment of hypotension during non dialysis phases in uremic patients under maintenance hemodialysis and in the improvement of hemodialysis tolerance as well as the quality of hemodialysis. Methods:16 uremic patients with hypotension were give 40 mL of Shenmai injection through intravenous drip, once daily for a period of two weeks. The blood pressure and the urea clearance rate (Kt/V) as well as the quality of hemodialysis of the subjects were observed before and after the treatment. Results:It was showed that, the mean systolic and diastolic blood pressures, as well as the Kt/V, before versus after the treatment, were (85.79±10.38) mmHg versus (124.28±12.18) mmHg, (54.96±9.70) mmHg versus (76.84 ±7.74) mmHg (P<0.01), 1.05±0.27 versus 1.54±0.23 (P<0.01). Conclusion:The use of Shenmai injection corrected the hypotension in uremic patients under maintenance hemodialysis, and thus the hemodialysis therapy was assured, and the quality of hemodialysis improved.
出处 《医药导报》 CAS 2002年第2期93-94,共2页 Herald of Medicine
关键词 参麦注射液 尿毒症 血液透析 低血压 尿素清除率 Shenmai injection Uremia Maintenance hemodialysis Hypotension Urea clearance rate
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