加强水价改革,提高水价,促进节约用水,已经成为全社会关注的焦点。在节约用水和水资源优化配置条 件下如何确定水价,水价构成及供水企业的合理成本与利润,以及资源水价的分配和用途是当前水价改 革中亟须研究探讨和重视的问题。商品水价应该包括三个部分:一是资源水价,二是工程水价,三是环境 水价。只有包括资源因素的水价,才能真正发挥水价在水资源的优化配置和合理利用方面的调节作用。
Reforming water charge to increase water price to promote water conservation has been a focus of all societies. Issues of defining water price, composition of water charge, cost and reasonable profit of water supply enterprises and distribution of water resources fee are those deserved urgent research and discussion. Commercial
water price shall include three components, namely resources fee, structure cost and profit and sewage treatment cost. Only can water price play regulation function in optimal distribution and rational utilization of water resources when it takes resources factor into account.
China Water Resources