在光、电镜下观察 4、6、8月龄胎儿膝关节半月板组织结构的变化 ,光镜下 4月龄胎儿半月板血管丰富 ,随着胎龄的增长 ( 8月龄 )有减少趋势 ,仅在周边见到血管 .软骨细胞也是由多到少 .而胶原纤维则是由 ( 4月龄 )稀少、分散分布到 ( 8月龄 )致密呈束状平行排列 .在电镜下观察到半月板表面膜性组织由无到有 ,条状隆起由不明显到明显的变化过程 .
using light microscopy and electron microscopy to observe the morphosis of meniscus in fetus' knee joint of the age of four months old, six months old and eight months old. Under the light microscopy, vessels were abundent in meniscus in fetus' knee joint of four months old.There were a trendency of vessels becoming sparse with the ages increasing. Only in periphery vessels could be observed in meniscus in fetus' knee joint of eight months old. The same was cartilage cell. But collagenous fibers were sparse in meniscus in fetus' knee joint of four months old, in the meantime,they became fine and close and lined parallely. Under electron microscopy, membranous structure in meniscus could grachually be observed, formech eminence became more obvious with the ages increasing. Very small holes or hollow areas could be seen in superficies of meniscus in fetus' knee joint of those ages.
Journal of Zhanjiang Normal College