放松管制是当今世界经济的一个潮流 ,人们一般认为放松管制能够增加竞争 ,从而有利于增加社会福利。本文在 Cournot模型下 ,对放松管制后的社会福利进行了定量分析 ,发现放松管制并不一定能使社会福利增加 :在不存在“寻租”的情况下 ,满足一定的条件 ,放松管制确实会使社会福利增加 ;但存在“寻租”的情况下 ,由于存在一个二阶段博弈 ,耗费了社会资源 。
Deregulation is very popular in the world economy. People often consider that deregulation can increase social welfare because deregulation increases competition in the market. However, the paper draws a different conclusion after analyzing social welfare quantitatively under the model of Cournot. Our finding is: if does not exist rent seeking, deregulation would increases social welfare on a contain condition; If rent seeking exist, two step game will happen, deregulation would decreases social welfare due to resource wasting during rent seeking.
Systems Engineering Theory·Methodology·Applications