在过去的几十年中 ,系统分析方法在农业研究中的应用有了较大的发展。在各种不同领域使用系统分析方法的科学家发展了许多不同类型的模型 ,其中有概念的、综合性的和概化的。模型的意义是在不同尺度上整合多学科的研究结果。概化模型用于土地利用的定量评价和在更高的尺度上的资源管理研究。其它模型可以为政策制定者提供战略的和技术的决策支持。作为信息技术和地学方法在农业中的应用 ,作物生长模型的研发是面向农田生态系统中的资源管理。其目标是应用系统分析方法 ,以作物生长模型为核心 ,以区域资源环境数据库为基础 ,建立基于遥感和地理信息系统的决策支持系统和作物长势监测与产量预报系统。
The use of systems approaches in agricultural research has increased considerably during the last decades. In these approaches, scientists around the world have developed several different types of models. Conceptual, comprehensive, and summary models function to integrate multidisciplinary research at various levels. Summary models are also used in quantitative land evaluation, and may structure resource management research at high aggregation levels. Other models may help policy makers in their strategic and tactical decision making at various levels of integration and aggregation. As a way to use information technology and geoscience in agriculture, crop growth model aims at resources management in agricultural ecosystem. A decision support system and monitoring of growth status will be developed on the basis of system approach, crop growth model and regional resources database.
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