以理性主义为基础 ,以法律正义论为主要理论内容的近代西方法哲学 ,把基于永恒不变的抽象的正义原则之上的自然法当作最高法 ,其理论特征表现为形而上学、二元分裂。 1 9世纪中叶 ,与西方哲学的近现代转型相一致 ,西方法哲学也发生了从形而上学、思辨理性主义、绝对主义、二元分裂向反形而上学、非理性主义、相对主义、一元论的转型。作者认为 ,这一转型是与西方自由资本主义的迅猛发展以及近代西方法哲学内在的理论缺陷直接相关的。而功利主义、实证主义法哲学和社会法学的崛起是这次转型的真正标志。在考察了西方法哲学近现代转型的原因及过程的基础上 ,作者指出了这一转型在理论上的积极成果 ,以及给我们的启示 :要在法的实际操作(立法、执法、守法 )中实施和把握自然法与实在法、道德与法的统一。
Modern Western philosophy of law with rationalism as its base and legal justice as its main theoretical content treats the natural law based on the perpetual and abstract principle of justice as the highest law. Its theoretical features are embodied in metaphysics and dualism. In the middle of the 19 th century, in conformity of contemporary transformation of Western philosophy the Western philosophy of law also underwent a transformation from metaphysics, speculative rationalism, absolutism and dualism to anti metaphysics, non rationalism, relativism and monism. The author believes that this transformation was closely related to the swift and vigorously development of Western laissez faire capitalism and the inherent theoretical drawbacks of Western modern philosophy of law and that the emergence of utilitarianism, ontological philosophy of law and sociological law was the real marks of this transformation.
Social Sciences in China