在中国经学史上 ,朱熹是第一个相对集中地谈论过阅读和诠释的方法论的学者。“理”是他的哲学体系的本体论概念 ,也是其经典诠释的形上依据。经文原义、圣贤原意与读者所悟之意是理解过程中三个依次递进的阶段 ,理解的目标就是这三种意义的整体圆融和谐之“理”。语言解释与心法理解是其诠释的基本方法。朱熹所代表的这种诠释传统 ,对于我们构建中国现代的诠释理论有着重要的启迪意义。
Zhu Xi was the first scholar in the Chinese history of the study of Confucian classics to talk in a systematic way about the methodology of reading and annotating. “Rationality' is an ontological concept of his philosophical system and serves as the metaphysical basis of his annotations of Confucian classics. The aim of understanding is to reach a harmonious unity of the original meaning of the classics, the original meaning of the sages and the meaning understood by the reader. The basic methods he used in his annotation are linguistic interpretation and understanding by the heart. This annotating framework represented by Zhu Xi is helpful for us in our effort to construct modern Chinese hermeneutics.
Social Sciences in China