在经济全球化的背景下 ,世界各国劳资关系力量对比处于一种极端不平衡的状态中。中国加入WTO ,必须考虑到经济全球化对于中国的劳工问题和劳资关系的影响。而国际上关于社会条款和国际劳工标准的提出 ,其出发点既有贸易保护的目的 ,也有在工人权利日益被忽视和侵害的情况下推动劳工权益保障的目的。中国的政策应该是全面把握、趋利避害、积极应对。为适应加入WTO后的新形势 ,需要以国际劳工公约中的核心劳工标准为依据 ,根据中国的法律原则和国情特点 ,完善和健全中国的劳动立法 ,以促进经济和社会的同步发展。
Against the background of economic globalization labor is in a very unfavorable position vis a vis capital. Safeguarding labor interests is now a matter of grave concern in every country of the world and assumes the same importance as economic growth. The Chinese government must take into consideration the impact of economic globalization on the Chinese labor and on the labor capital relationship in China. Following entry to the WTO, China will have to improve its labor legislation in accordance with the fundamental labor standards clauses of the International Labor Convention and with China's legal principles and national characteristics in order to accelerate the synchronous economic development and social progress.
Social Sciences in China