村庄权力结构研究是村庄政治研究的基础。本文按照经济社会分化水平与社区记忆的强弱 ,把中国农村划分为四种理想类型 ,并构建了村庄权力结构的“体制精英—非体制精英—普通村民”三层分析工具。文章重点讨论了非体制精英在四种理想类型村庄村级权力运行中的作用及不同类型村庄村级权力结构的不同特征。在此基础上 ,作者对村民自治制度下不同类型村庄村级权力合法性的生成潜力进行了尝试性的比较。最后 ,作者指出 ,随着缺乏分层与社区记忆偏弱类型村庄大量出现 ,如何在这些村庄中进行村级权力合法性建设 。
Village politics is an important window on Chinese politics and rural society. A study of village power structure is the basis of the study on village politics. This article adopts a three level analytical framework, that is, management elite non management elite average peasants, to analyze the dominant role that the non management elite plays in village power application in four types of villages and the different characteristics of different village power structures. The three level analysis and the division of four types of villages have deepened the study of village politics.
Social Sciences in China