本文是中国发达地区村落终结过程的记录和分析。作者通过对广州市“城中村”的调查发现 ,村落终结的艰难 ,并不仅仅在于生活的改善 ,也不仅仅是非农化和工业化的问题 ,甚至也不单纯是变更城乡分割的户籍制度问题 ,而在于它最终要伴随产权的重新界定和社会关系网络的重组。作者试图通过建立具有普遍解释力的村落终结类型 ,建构村落城市化整个链条的最后一环 ,以便能够在理论上复制中国改革开放以后村落非农化、工业化。
This paper notes and makes an analysis of the end process of villages in Guangzhou, the quickly developed urban hub of South China. Using case studies the author finds that the end of the villages is very difficult because of, on the one hand, the mode of life, the occupational changes of the peasants and the Chinese household registration system, and on the other hand, changes in property rights and in social networks. The author employs a model to understand the general transformation of the villages in the end process, and to simulate theoretically the complete process of the industrialization and the urbanization of the villages since the reform in China.
Social Sciences in China