本文以犹太文化的两本经典巨著《圣经》和《犹太律法》为基础 ,着重论述犹太人的信仰、犹太人对智慧和教育的尊崇、犹太人注重经典与思辩结合的教育方式、犹太人的文学音乐造诣及素养、犹太人的法律意识、犹太人的家庭和社区意识、犹太人的经商意识七大传统文化特色对犹太人素质的影响。作者认为 :良好的人文素质、浓厚的法律意识和合理的经济意识不但可以帮助一个民族度过危难关头 。
From the perspective of the Jewish traditional culture,this essay explores the factors for the Jews successful performance in all walks of life.It focuses on the two great classic books by ancient Jews:The Old Testament and Jewish Law,and their enlightenment on forming Jews characteristics in the following seven ways :Jews belief,Jews esteem for wisdom and education,Jews emphasis on classics study combined with critical thinking,Jews attainment in literature and music,Jews sense of law,Jews sense of family and community,and Jews sense of business.
Journal of Lujiang University