生活于金代后期的王郁是一个年青而富有才华的诗人 ,率真任情乃其个性 ;他不满当时的文风和诗风 ,要求文章合韩柳之文辞与程张之理学 ,以“唱起斯文”自任 ;还要求在“复古”中革除诗弊。其存诗虽极少 ,但仍有特色可寻 ,他擅长于乐府诗的创作 ,风格上也有独到之处。
Wang Yu, a young and talented poet at the end of Jin Dynasty, is forthright and sincere in his writing.He is unsatisfied with the literary style of the age, and requires that articles combine diction of Han Yu and Liu Zong-yuan with New-Confucianism; he also requires that malpractice in poetry writing be stopped. He does not leave behind him many poems, but those few are characteristic. Wang Yu is good at composing Yuefu poems, and he demonstrates a unique style.
Journal of Zhenjiang Teachers College(Philosophy & Social Science Edition)