昌耀的诗歌创作开始于 2 0世纪 5 0年代 ,他的抒情风格几经历变 ,但总是超越凡俗 ,卓然独立于高原之上 ,以雄奇高邈、以及现代意识塑造了自己的诗歌品质。本文试图从高原情思、史诗气质、现代意识三个方面探讨昌耀诗歌的抒情风格。
Chang Yao started his poetic writing in 1950s. His lyric style underwent great changes but surpassed the common and popular ones, standing majestically on the top of plateau. He shaped the poetic quality of his own with his grandness, ingenuity, and modern consciousness. This paper is to discuss the lyric style in Chang Yao's poems in such three fields as the plateau meditation, epic temperament and modern consciousness.