文章通过实证研究 ,认为 1936年 12月 2 5日 ,在西安谈判取得一定成果 ,在南京停战期限的最后一天 ,在西安内部严重分歧的时刻 ,在蒋介石下令撤兵的条件下 ,张学良才当机立断 ,于当天下午送蒋回京 ,从而使西安事变得以和平解决。
With positive evidence, this paper argues that on December 25, 1936, the negotiation in Xi'an having made certain progress, on the last day of Nanjing Armistice Deadline, resulting in serious divergence of views in Xi'an, and on the condition of Chiang Kai-shek's withdrawal of troops, Zhang Xueliang made a prompt decision to send Chiang Kai-shek back to Nanjing on the afternoon, so that Xi'an Incident was peacefully settled.