宋金鼎革之际 ,战祸连绵 ,中原板荡 ,宋高宗甫即位便仓皇南逃 ,中原士民随驾南迁者甚多。不少人辗转流徙 ,迁至浙江、江西、广东等地 ,后来便定居在那里。大批中原士民南迁 ,将中原地区的文化传播到了江南。杭州作为南宋的都城 ,南迁的中原士民卜居于此者最多。在饮食、民俗、说唱艺术等方面受汴京的影响更大。
During the change of the dynasty from Song to Jin,the Central Plains got into trouble because of the incessant disaster of war.Song Gaozong fled to the South as soon as he ascended the throne and many common people migrated to the South with the emperor.Many people migrated to Zhejiang,Jiangxi,and Guangdong,etc.through many places and settled there.The migration led to the spread of the Culture of the Central Plains to the South of the Yangtze River.Most migrants settled in Hangzhou,the capital of the Southern Song Dynasty.Consequently,Hangzhou was more greatly affected by Bianjing in eating and drinking,folk customs,and art of talking and singing,etc..
Journal of Xuchang Teachers College(Social Science Edition)