20世纪 90年代以来发达国家高等教育国际化的内涵不断丰富和扩展 ,其中人员的国际流动成为最基本的形式之一。各国积极采取措施 ,吸纳外国留学生 ,推进访问学者互访 ,鼓励本国学生到海外学习 ,并创建网络大学等新的交流模式。我国应进一步完善政策法规 ,加快高校内部改革 ,大力发展网络教育 ,以更好地适应高等教育国际化的趋势。
The connotation of the education internationalization in developed countries has greatly enriched and deepened in 1990s with the international floating of the personnel as its basic form. Many countries have taken active measures to attract foreign students and promote exchanges of visiting scholars. They also encourage local students to study abroad and create new communicative patterns known as universities on net. In order to adapt to the trend of higher education internationalization, it is necessary to further complete those policy and regulations, fasten internal reform in universities and develop education on net in China.
Journal of Higher Education