目前 ,全国流动人口有 80 0 0万人 ,其中有相当比例的人口是携带子女流入城市的 ,流动儿童少年的教育问题已经成为一个紧迫而严峻的社会问题。以 1986年中国 74城镇人口迁移调查、1997年北京市外来人口普查、2 0 0 0年北京市海淀区外来人口子女的保健和教育调查、上海市第四次人口普查的调查结果为数据支持 ,探讨解决流动儿童少年教育问题的必要性、紧迫性和艰巨性 ,分析了流动儿童少年教育问题的因素构成 ,并从“打工子弟校”、“多样化教育”
At present, China's floating population amounts to 80 million all over the country, among which many bring their children into cities. Thus the education of the floating children has become an urgent and serious social problem. Based on the data gained from 4 relevant surveys and censuses conducted from 1986 to 2000, the article analysed the components of the problem, and explored the necessity, urgency and hardness of its solution, which will be possibly sought from 'schools of floating children', 'diversified education', etc.
Journal of Nanjing College for Population Programme Management