郭沫若的历史小说遵循“注重史料的解释和对于现实的讽喻”的创作观念 ,运用马克思主义唯物史观来审视历史 ,传达深广的时代忧患意识 ,表现出强烈的主体情感 ,达到历史、现实和自我三者的有机结合 ,营造崇高的悲剧美 ,采用心理分析的表现手法 ,推动了中国现代历史小说的现代化进程。
Explaining historical materials, lashing reality', and examining history in the light of Marxist materialism, the historical novels by Guo Mo ruo convey the deeply felt apprehension of the age, reveal the strong subjective feelings, attain an organic unity of history, reality and self. And utilizing psychological analyses, they have started the process of modernizing historical novels.
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)