中国社会重伦理 ,古往今来对此研究者颇多。章太炎把中国传统的道德理念与西方资本主义的伦理思想相糅合 ,对近代社会伦理体系的重构这一历史性课题作了艰辛的探索。把章太炎置于各种政治、经济、文化因素交织的社会网络体系这一宏观的背景中进行考察 ,就可动态地把握章氏伦理思想存在的价值和意义 ,从而发现章太炎伦理思想的特点与近代社会转型时期的政治、经济、文化之间的相互促动及制约关系。
Chinese society has a tradition of valuing ethics and this has been studied by many researchers over the past thousands of years. In an attempt to fuse traditional Chinese morals with the western capitalist ethics, Zhang Tai yan made great efforts in the exploration of the reconstruction of the modern social ethical system. By observing Zhang Tai yan in the macro social network of political, economic and cultural factors, and assessing the value and the realistic significance of the Zhang's ethical ideas, the author probed into the interaction between Zhang's ethical ideas and the political, economic and cultural factors in the transitional period of the modern society
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)