
血清KL-6与老年间质性肺疾病的关系 被引量:1

The Relationship between Serum KL - 6 and Senile Interstitial Lung Disease
摘要 目的:探讨血清KL-6等在诊断老年人间质性肺疾病活动性方面的临床意义。方法:间质性肺疾病病例45例(男32例、女13例),根据疾病活动性分为A组(非活动组),与B组(活动组),再在此基础上,以65岁为界,分为C组(老年组)及D组(非老年组),共分为四组AC、AD、BC、BD,检测KL-6、LDH,并对各组进行统计学分析比较。结果:KL-6(AC:627.5±248.3 AD:606.5±720.7 P=0.9)(BC:1789.2±821.9BD:2039.0±424.2 P=0.4)(BC:1789.2±821.9AC:627.5±248.3 P=0.01)(BD:2039.0±424.2 AD:606.5±720.7 P=0.000),LDH(AC:415.1±74.3 AD:368.6±59.3 P=0.09)(BC:528.0±230.7 BD:699.5±332.2 P=0.2)(BC:528.0±230.7 AC:415.0±74.3 P=0.1)(BD:699.5±332.2 AD:368.6±59.3 P=0.02)结论:KL-6在诊断老年人间质性肺疾病活动性方面与非老年人群组有同等的临床意义。 Objective: To investigate the clinical meaning of serum KL - 6 in diagnosing the activity of interstitial lung disease of senile patients. Methods: According to the activity of the disease, forthy - five patients (32 male, 13 female) with interstitial lung disease were divided into two groups - group A (non - active group) and group B (active group) . Then we divided the patients into group C (senile group) and group D (not) - senile group) by the age of 65. So we had four groups - group AC、AD、BC and BD. We measured the KL-6、LDH, and analysed them with statistic methods. Results:KL - 6 (AC:627.5±248.3 AD:606.5±720.7 P = 0.9) (BC:1789.2±821.9 BD:2039.0±424.2 P = 0.4) (BC: 1789.2±821.9 AC:627.5±248.3 P = 0.01) (BD:2039.0±424.2 AD:606.5±720.7 P = 0.000), LDH (AC: 415.1± 74.3 AD:368.6±59.3 P = 0.09) (BC:528.0± 230.7 BD:699.5±332.2 P = 0.2) (BC:528.0±230.7 AC:415.0±74.3 P = 0.1) (BD:699.5±332.2 AD:368.6±59.3 P = 0.02) Conclusion: KL - 6 has equal clinical meaning in diagnosing the activity of interstitial lung disease of senile and non - senile patients.
出处 《中国医药导刊》 2002年第1期27-28,共2页 Chinese Journal of Medicinal Guide
关键词 老年 间质性肺疾病 疾病活动性 KL-6 IIP senile interstitial lung disease activity of the disease KL - 6
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