目的 :旨在提高对Castleman病的诊断和治疗水平。方法 :搜集了 6个病例 ,进行分析。结果 :本病女性多于男性 ,中年发病居多 ,纵膈和腹腔淋巴结是好发部位 ,临床上局灶型比多中心型多见 ,病理类型中血管滤泡型和浆细胞型之比为 4:2 ,本病预后较好。结论 :该病与人疱疹病毒 8(HHV - 8)有关 ,该病患者此病毒抗体阳性率可达 90 %以上。诊断依靠组织学确定 ,通过病理本病可和淋巴瘤区分之间的不同。治疗方面 ,手术切除是首选 ,应用干扰素类抗病毒药物 。
Objective: To study the manifestation of Castleman's disease.Because of little knowledge of this disease, it is difficult to diagnose and manage the disease. Methods: 6 cases of Castleman's disease were collected and the clinical data was anglyzad. Results: The disease was liable to occur in the middle-aged and more common in women than men, affected predominantly the lymph nodes in the mediastinum and abdominal cavity. Clinically, localized type was more than multicentric type. Pathologically, hyaline-vascular type and plasma cell type was 4:2.Prognosis was good. Conclusion: The aetiology of this disease may be associated with human herpesvirus 8(HHV-8) infection. We can seperate. lymphoma from Castleman's disease by pathology.Surgical operation is the first choice and antivirus such as interferon may contribute to control of the disease.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Medicine