糖耐量减低 (Impairedglucosetolerance ,IGT)是发生Ⅱ型糖尿病的必经阶段。它的发生与遗传易感性及环境因素有关 ,是多因素综合作用的结果。现比较公认的危险因素有增龄、肥胖、遗传因素、体力活动过少、饮食习惯不良等。近期一些研究提出出生时低体重、绝经期妇女的雄激素水平等也是IGT的危险因素。有目的地针对可能导致IGT的危险因素进行防治 ,及时在人群中筛检出IGT ,对减少或延缓DM的发生具有重要意义。
Impaired glucose tolerance(IGT) is a stage in the development of NIDDM and associated with genetic,environmental and other factors.The risk factors for development of IGT such as age,obesity,genetic defect,physical inactivity and dietary habit have been clearly established.Recently,some studies suggested that low birth weight,androgen activity in postmenopausal women also were the risk factors of IGT.Insulin resistance is the major determinant of the pathogenic mechanism of IGT,but impaired beta cell function has been considered in some studies.
Modern Diagnosis and Treatment