目的 为了及早诊治小儿脊髓栓系。方法 回顾本院 1997年 1月~ 1999年 3月诊治 2 1例小儿脊髓栓系及其综合征 ,将 3岁以内 17例列为婴儿组 ,4~ 14岁 4例分为学龄前及学龄期组 ,均由MRI确诊 ,行栓系病灶切除。术后小婴儿常规使用呼吸机辅助呼吸 ,至自主呼吸恢复正常。结果 2 0例伤口一期愈合 ,1例术后脑脊液漏 ,再次修补而愈。经 3~ 30个月临床随访 ,婴儿组 17例中仅 1例术后 1年仍尿失禁 ,学龄前及学龄期组 4例术后尿失禁仍无明显改善。
Objective To diagnose and treat early tethered cord syndromes(TCS)in children.Methods Twenty one cases with tethered cord syndromes in children were reteospetive analysed in January 1997 to March 1999,seventeen cases under 3 years old,four cases from four to fourteen years old divided into infant,preschool and school group.These tethered sicks were excised.Infant under one year old postoperative were used by respiratory machine to recover normal respiration.Results The wounds in 20 cases were cured,leak of the CSF in wound of one was repaired.The patients were followed up for 3 to 30 months.One infant of 17 cases presents urinaty incontinuty in 4 children no obviously improved after one year of operation.Conclusion Early diagnosis and treatment support recover of the TCS,or reduce damage of neural function with TCS.
Sichuan Medical Journal