班固首创咏史诗 ,开创了以诗叙史的传统 ;建安诗人确立了咏史诗以史咏怀的传统 ,使其抒情性得以凸现 ;正始诗人阮籍则使咏史诗带上了哲理色彩。汉魏时期的咏史诗为左思咏史诗的发展打下了坚实的基础。
Ban Gu,the originator ot epics,created the tradition of narrating history with poems.Later,poets of Jianan Period started to express emotions in history narration,which gave prominance to the lyricism in epics.And Ruan Ji,a poet of Zhengshi Period,brought the color of philosophy to epics.These all laid a solid foundation for the development of Zuo Si's epics.
Journal of Qinzhou Teachers College