
湿地松半双列子代遗传分析 被引量:5

Genetic Analysis of Half Diallel Progeny of Slash Pine
摘要 根据 10年生湿地松 6× 6半双列子代在两个试验地点的生长量、木材基本密度、树干通直度和抗风性数据 ,研究了该树种目的性状的遗传变异规律。结果表明 ,地点间存在着显著的生长差异和通直度差异 ,但两点的木材基本密度非常一致 ;所有研究性状均存在着一定程度的地点与基因型互作 ,其中胸径、基本密度均达到了显著以上水平 ;在一般配合力 (GCA)均方差显著地大于特殊配合力 (SCA)均方差的前提下 ,胸径、材积、基本密度、通直度、抗风性的加性方差占总遗传方差的 96 .4 1%~ 10 0 %。但是 ,树高性状以非加性方差居优。决定子代表现的遗传因素 ,主要是亲本的GCA,SCA和反交效应也有影响 ,但程度较低 ;两块测定林中 ,树高、胸径、材积、基本密度、通直度、抗风性的单株狭义遗传力分别为 0 .0 0 1和 0 .0 74、0 .0 80和 0 .144、0 .0 6 8和 0 .137、0 .10 8和 0 .6 0 9、0 .0 5 2和 0 .2 5 2、0 .0 5 8(单地点 )。 Data from 10 year old 6×6 half diallel progeny test of slash pine (Pinus elliottii), across two test sites, were used to estimate the genetic parameters for height, diameter at breast height, volume, wood density, stem straightness, and wind resistance. There was greatly significant difference between test sites for all traits examined, except wood density. Interaction effect between sites and crosses also existed to a certain extent for all traits, and the effect was significant for diameter at breast height and density, the ratios of additive variance to total genetic variance were from 96 41% to 100% for diameter at breast height, volume, straightness, density, and resistance, when mean square of general combining ability (GCA) was significantly greater than that of specific combining ability (SCA). But the result was not similar for height. GCA effects were the main genetic factor to control the performance of full sib families. SCA and reciprocal effects affected the performance of full sib families as well, but the degree was lower. The individual heritabilities of narrow sense were 0 001 and 0 074, 0 080 and 0 144, 0 068 and 0 137, 0 108 and 0 609, 0 052 and 0 252, and 0 058 for height, diameter at breast height, volume, density, straightness, wind resistance (only single site), respectively, across two sites.
出处 《林业科学研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2001年第6期641-647,共7页 Forest Research
基金 国家"九五"攻关专题"国外松多世代遗传改良及培育技术研究"(96 - 0 11- 0 3- 0 2 )的部分内容
关键词 湿地松 生长性状 木材基本密度 树干通直度 配合力分析 Pinus elliottii growth traits wood density straightness combining ability analysis
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