提出并研制了用一种智能控制芯片LM6 2 8和可编程逻辑器件GAL所实现的伺服控制卡。基于通用PC机的ISA总线的伺服控制卡集PID控制、12位DAC转换、多卡同时操作、定时中断和监视定时器保护、限位处理、码盘倍频计数和多重中断管理等功能为一体。该控制卡适用于 3~ 6轴的大中型数控系统的控制 ,已应用于所开发的仿形加工数控系统 ,还可用于智能机器人等需要精确位置控制的场合。具有结构合理 ,通用性强 ,采样频率高和位置控制精度准确和抗干扰性能好等特点。
A servo control card realized by using a type of intelligent control chip LM628 and PLC device GAL is introduced. The card is developed based on ISA bus of conventional PC and it integrates PID control, 12_bit DAC conversion, multiple_cards simultaneous operation, timed interruption and watchdog timer protection, limit processing, pulse multiple count and multiple interruption management, etc. The control card is suitable for control of large/middle NC system of 3~6 axes, and has been used in the copy machining NC system that has been developed, and it can also be used in any situation needing accurate position control such as intelligent robot. The card is featured by reasonable structure, enhanced university, high sampling frequency, accurate position control and good immunity, etc.
Manufacturing Technology & Machine Tool