20 0 0年世界经济快速增长 ,经济增长率从 1 999年的 3 6 %上升到 2 0 0 0年的 4 7%。 2 0 0 0年全球商品贸易总额达 6 2万亿美元 ,较上年增长 1 2 5 %。美国化学工业发展步伐放慢 ,化工产品增长率仅为 1 7% ,比上年略有下降。 2 0 0 0年欧洲化学工业已达到化工周期的顶峰 ,化工生产上升了 3 6 %。销售额增幅最大的国家是意大利 ,为 1 3 4% ;其次是德国 ,为 1 2 % ;法国为 1 0 4%。 2 0 0 0年日本化工生产仅增长 0 6 % ,亚洲化学工业发展势头良好 ,其中生产能力大规模增加是个显著特点。
World's economy increased fast in 2000,the increasing rate mounted up to 4.7% from 3.6% in 1999.The total sum of the worldwide commodity trade in 2000 was 6.2 trillion dollars,12.5% more than 1999.Chemical industry in USA slowly increased by only 1.7%.The Europe got the highest peak in cycle of chemical industry with the production capacity raised by 3.6%.The country which got the biggest increase was Italy, with the rate of 13.4%.The second was Germany with 12%,then France with 10.4%.Chemical industry had a increasing rate of only 0.6% in Japan,but in Asia it had a good tendency because of its boost of production capacity.
Modern Chemical Industry