γ辐射诱变育种是新的、有效的人工诱变育种方法之一。我省水稻辐射育种,于70年代早期就有舒城县农科所的“辐农3—5”(中晚粳,1971年推广面积这1254商);到80年代,又有滁县地区原子能所选育成的“梅桂辐”水稻良种。自1984年以来,我们在肥东县水稻良种场也进行了早熟早籼“21—1—3”水稻诱变材料的选育工作。经五年选育,已得到稳定的突变系,具有早熟、丰产、易脱粒等特性。经省种子公司认定,该品系除可加速繁殖外,还将直接参加1989年早熟早籼的省级区试。现将选育情况初报如下: 一、原始材料和选育过程我们选择“水源258”为辐射育种的原始材料。该品种是安徽省农科院近年从南朝鲜引进的高产品种,具有株形紧凑、抗性和分蘖力强、米质优良等特性,但全生育期较长(148天),早期生长量小、
As developing of the nice double cropping production in Anhui, it is very important to obtain the variety with the characteristics of early-maturity and easy shattering in addition to high yield potential, resistance to diseases and good quality. The dry seeds of Sawei 258,. the single cropping indica variety with the characteristics of late-maturity and difficttlt shattering but high yield potential was irradiated with gamma-rays of ^(60)Co in 1984. Through screening from M_2 to M_7 genneration, a promising line '21—1—3'with the shorter growth period, easy shattering and a bit of more production capacity was succesfully developed. It is proved in the line trial that the promisng line '21—1—3' will play an important part in the early rice cropping season in the near future in Anhui province.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences