目的 :探讨MEBO包扎治疗烧伤后残余创面效果。方法 :选择同期住院病人 ,外用MEBO后 ,采用油纱覆盖 ,多层纱布进行包扎治疗。结果 :2 1例烧伤后残余创面均于二周愈合。随访 13例 ,愈后无复发 ,创面平整 ,未见瘢痕增生。结论 :MEBO包扎治疗烧伤后残余创面 ,疗程短 。
Objective: To observe the efficacy of MEBO bandaging method in treating residual burn wounds. Method: Burn patients after MEBO treatment, the residual wounds were further treated with MEBO and covered with vaseline gauza and bandaged. Results: 21 cases of residual burn wounds healed in 2 weeks. 13 cases were followed up, no recurrence was found. The wounds were smooth, with no scar formation. Conclusion: MEBO bandaging method is efficacious in treating residual burn wonds. The treating course is short.
The Chinese Journal of Burns Wounds & Surface Ulcers