目的 :总结我院烧伤研究所烧伤救治工作的经验 ,找出存在问题。方法 :对 1993年~ 1998年收治的2 835例烧伤病例进行回顾性分析。结果 :本组病例总治愈率达 98 81% ,烧伤总面积 (TBSA) >90 %者 ,治愈率为5 3 84% ;无Ⅲ度烧伤且TBSA >90 %者 ,治愈率达 75 % ;有Ⅲ度烧伤且TBSA >90 %者 ,治愈率仅 5 0 %。本组LD5 0为96 6 6 % ,有Ⅲ度者LD5 0由前一阶段的 79%上升至 91% ,表明治愈率较前一阶段显著提高。内脏并发症占死亡总例次的 45 6 9% ;吸入性损伤为 19 83% ,居第二位 ;全身性感染为 13 79% ,居第三位。结论 :烧伤治愈率稳步上升 ,但内脏并发症。
Objective: To summarize the experience and main problems of burn treatment in the Burn Research Institute of the hospital. Method: 2835 burn cases admitted during the years of 1993 to 1998 were collected and analyzed retrospectively. Results: The total survival rate of this group was 98 81%, which is higher than that in our previous report. In patients whose TBSA over 90%, the survival rate was 53 84%. However, the survival rate was 75%, in those whose TBSA over 90% without Ⅲ degree burns, and 50% in those with Ⅲ degree burns. The LD50 of this group of patients was 96 66%. In patients with Ⅲ degree burns, the LD 50 raised from 79% in our previous report to 91%, 34 patients died. Among them, 45 69% were complicated with organ dysfunction, 19 83% died of inhalation injury and another 13 79% died due to severe systemic infection. Conclusion: The results demonstrated that improvement has been made in the treatment of severe burn patients with 3rd degree burns. Organ dysfunction, inhalation injury and infection are still the main causes of death.
The Chinese Journal of Burns Wounds & Surface Ulcers
Case analysis
Organ dysfunction