目的 : 探讨在使用美比欧疤痕平的基础上配合使用纸板加压包扎治疗增殖性瘢痕 ,以观察其治疗效果。方法 :将美比欧疤痕平按要求涂布于瘢痕上 ,外加纸板 ,用绷带加压包扎 ,每天一次 ,连续治疗 3个月后 ,观察疗效。结果 :14例增殖性瘢痕病例中 ,有 9例效果明显 ,表现瘢痕变软变平 ,痒痛感觉消失。 4例有效 :表现瘢痕变软 ,症状减轻。只有 1例无效。结论 :美比欧疤痕平对瘢痕具有营养、滋润及活血化瘀止痒作用 ,通过纸板加压能减少瘢痕组织中胶原纤维合成 。
Objective: To observe the efficacy of MEBO Scar Lotion associated with paperboard compression bandage for treating hyperplastic scar. Method: MEBO Scar Lotion was applied on the scar area, then covered with papaerboard and bandaged with compression. The dressing was changed once every day for 3 months. Results: 9 out of the 14 cases showed very satisfactory results after treatment, the scars were softened and smoothened and itching sensation vanished. 4 cases had their hyperplastic scar softened and symptoms relieved and only one case did not respond. Conclusion: MEBO Scar Lotion has nutritious, moisturizing, blood circulation promoting and itching relieving effects. When associated with paperboard compression bandage, it can reduce the synthesis of collagenous fibers in the scar tissue and thus it can reduce scar.
The Chinese Journal of Burns Wounds & Surface Ulcers