目的 探讨经尿道电切和汽化切割治疗下尿路疾病的疗效。 方法 经尿道电切割汽化治疗下尿路疾病35 3例。 结果 疗效满意 ,无电切综合征及其他并发症。 结论 经尿道电切和电气化是治疗下尿路疾病的微创外科技术 ,具有痛苦少、安全有效、术后恢复快的优点。
Objective To evaluate the treatment of transurethral resection or vaporization surgery for lower urinary tract diseases. Methods 353 cases of lower urinary tract diseases were treated with this technique. Results Success was archieved in all the patients. Conclusion Transurethral resection or vaporization is a microlesion surgical technique for the treatment of lower urinary tract diseases.
Chinese Journal of Modern Operative Surgery