目的 探讨我国道路伤害的长期趋势和影响因素,为减少交通事故发生和保障居民人身安全提供依据。方法 计算LTS、LPS和MC等指标,对我国的道路伤害进行评价。结果 50年来我国道路伤害致死人数每10年翻一番,LPS和里程死亡率一直呈上升趋势。近10年来,浙江省的车祸发生率一直高居前三位,而宁夏地区上升幅度最大,从排行11位跃升第一位。造成道路伤害的责任者是机动车驾驶员,其中以超速行驶、疏忽大意和措施不当为主,造成经济损失达97%,因车祸造成死亡者中2/3为行人、骑自行车者和乘客,死亡人员年龄主要在21~45岁和65岁。90%以上的道路伤害发生在平坦、潮湿路段,70%以上是晴天。结论 机动化程度提高时交通安全水平得到改善,人身安全水平也将会逐步好转;交通环境的改善以及提高人的交通安全意识对预防道路伤害是十分重要的。
Objective To explore the secular trend and the influencing factors of road traffic injury, and provide basis to reduce traffic injury and ensure safety of residents. Methods By using some indices such as CIS, LPS and MC etc to evaluate road injury in China. Results The traffic injury victim has doubled every decade since 1951.The MC of Zhejiang Province always rank the top three positions and Ningxia has risen to the first from eleventh in lately 10 years. It ascribes over 90% road injury to driver's overspeeding and negligence.Conclusions LTS will be improved with the progresses of MEG, and better LPS is based on the well - being of LTS.It is important for preventing road injury to improve the traffic environment and promote traffic safety.
Chinese Preventive Medicine