研究证明,板蓝根霜霉菌(Peronospora isatidis)是以卵孢子在病残体内和以菌丝体在留种株组织内越冬。翌春在种子田的种株上首先出现中心病株,病部产生的孢子囊随风传播引起再侵染,以后传播到春播田扩大危害。该病菌与其它十字花科霜霉菌不能相互侵染。病害的流行与温度、湿度和栽培条件关系密切。防治板蓝根霜霉病应以轮作、追肥、割大青叶和早春拔除中心病株为主的综合防治措施。药剂试验结果瑞毒霉为特效药。
Researches proved that Peronospora isatidis lived through the win- ter by means of eggspore in sick remains and hypha body in the tissue of seed plant.In the next spring the centrial sick plants appeared on these seed plants.Sporangium produced on the sick part of plants spread with wind and set off reinfection.Later,it spread to spring field and extended harming the crops.These bacteria and crucifer downy mildew could not infect each other.The prevalence of disease is closely related to tempe- rature,humidity and cultural conditions.Crop rotation,top application, cutting large gree nleaves and pulling out central sick plants ought to be considered as main synthesizing protective measurefor controlling the disease.The results of medicament test proved that Ristella prevot is specific drug.
Journal of Hebei Agricultural University