为探讨第 15 9医院的自力更生抓机遇 ,滚动发展促保障的艰苦创业历程 ,本文阐述了 :1抓住机遇谋发展 ,开辟保障新途径 ;2狠抓规模打基础 ,增强医院保障力 ;3大抓内涵上水平 ,提高服务高效能 ;4抓牢方向求实效 。
To inquire into the hard starting undertaking course of the Self-dependence and grappling opportunity, rolling the development and promoting the guarantee in No 159 military hospital, it is expounded in this article that ① grappling the opportunity and seeking the development, establishing the new approach of the guarantee; ② grappling the size and ground, strengthening the guarantee ability of the hospital; ③ grappling intensive the connotation and ascending the level, raising the high effect of the serving; ④ grappling the direction and requesting the realistic effect, practicing hard the total require.
Hospital Administration Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army