

Observe the effect β-receptor blockin agent in dilated cardiomyopathy
摘要 目的 观察 β 受体阻滞剂治疗扩张型心肌病的疗效及安全性。 方法  76例扩张型心肌病心衰患者随机分为A组和B组 ,B组给予强心剂、利尿剂、ACE抑制剂、醛固酮受体拮抗剂 ,A组在B组治疗的基础上加用 β 受体阻滞剂。观察临床症状和血流动力学变化。结果 临床症状改善A组总有效率为 94 7% ,B组总有效率为 76 3% ,两组间差异有显著性 ;LVEF改善B组由治疗前的 0 2 6± 0 0 7提高到 0 43± 0 10 ,A组由治疗前的 0 2 7± 0 0 9提高到 0 5 1± 0 11。结论 β AIM To observe the effect and safety of β receptor blocking agent in dilated cardiomyopathy. METHORD 76 congestive heart flilure patients caused by dilated cardiomyophathy were divided into group A and group B. Cases in group B were treated with cardiotonic, diuretic, ACEI and spironolactone. Cases in group A were treated with cardiotonic, diuretic, ACEI spironolatctone and β receptor blocking agent. The clinical symptoms and hemodynamics were observed. RESULT Symptoms improve: Total effective rate of group A and group B were 94 7% and 76 3%. There were statistical differences between in group A and group B. LVEF increased to 0 43±0 10 after treatment from 0 26±0 07 in group B and to 0 51±0 11 from 0 27±0 09 in group A. CONCLUSION To treat dilated cardiopathy with β receptor blocking agent is effective and safe.
作者 汪芳松
出处 《安徽医药》 CAS 2001年第4期263-264,共2页 Anhui Medical and Pharmaceutical Journal
关键词 倍他乐克 扩张型心肌病 心力衰竭 临床疗效 Β-受体阻滞剂 dilated cardimoyopathy heart failure β blocker
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