10 3Pd种子源是临床上用于组织间近距离治疗的一种密封放射源 ,在国外一些国家已经得到广泛的应用 .在两年的时间里成功地完成了由我所加速器生产10 3Pd料液制成10 3Pd种子源的工作 .经过医院的临床试用 ,得到满意的结果 .
Pd seeds is a kind of sealed radioactive source for brachytherapy in clinic,which have been widely applied in some foreign countries.Because of having no our own 103 Pd seeds, which made the 103 Pd seeds' clinical appliacation and development very hard in our country.In two years,we have successfully produced 103 Pd seeds, using our own 103 Pd solution from cyclotron-30 in our department. We are all satisfied with the clinical result.
Journal of Modern Clinical Medical Bioengineering