以 72个含 1 6株系的 BC2 F5(小麦 /Elymus rectisetus//小麦 )单株为供体材料 ,用筛选出的 1 2个 1 0碱基随机引物对其进行多态性扩增。以 E.rectisetus和 Fukuhokomugi(Triticumaestivum)为亲本 ,建立 RAPD标记。实验表明 :1 2个随机引物中 ,有 1 0个随机引物能够在 1 6个株系的 6 8个单株中分别扩增出普通小麦所没有的 E.rectisetus的 DNA片段 ,可分为 6个类型。此外 ,1 0 4 0 - 2 - 5 - 1和 1 0 4 8- Y3 - 3 - 1可能含
To detect Elymus rectisetus chromation transferred to wheat, E.rectisetus ,Fukuhokomugi ( Triticum aestivum ) and 72 plants of 16 BC 2F 5 derivatives (wheat/ E.rectisetus //wheat) were used for RAPD analysis with 12 arbitrary primers (all operon 10 mer sequences).The results demonstrated that 10 out of 12 primers yielded E.rectisetus specific products among 68 plants of 16 BC 2F 5 derivatives.According to the results of RAPD analysis,six different type alien addition lines were identified among 68 plants.In addition,five different E.rectisetus chromosome were probably transferred to 1040 2 5 1 and 1048 Y 3 3 1 respectively.
Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica
国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 39870 5 2 9)