
根瘤菌结瘤因子的结构和功能 被引量:3

Structure and function of Rhizobium Nod factors
摘要 结瘤因子是根瘤菌分泌的寡糖,它作为外在信号,诱发宿主植物根部各种生理反应,引起根毛变形,诱导皮层细胞分裂,形成根瘤原基。作者主要就这一早期结瘤过程中结瘤因子的结构和功能作一综述。 The Rhizobium lipochitooligosaccharide nod factors are external signals which elicit various physiological responses on the roots of host plants, such as root hair cells deforming, cortical cells redividing to form nodule primodium. This article means to give a brief review on the structure and function of the nod factors in the early steps of the interaction between Rhizobia and Legumes.
出处 《生命科学》 CSCD 2002年第1期17-19,共3页 Chinese Bulletin of Life Sciences
关键词 根瘤菌 结瘤因子 结构 功能 Rhizobium nod factor
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