目的 了解凉水口中学教师的营养状况及一日活动的耗能量。方法 采用称重记帐进行 5天膳食调查 ,并用生活观察法记录 2 4h活动项目 ,计算活动能量消耗量。结果 教师膳食构成中荤蔬搭配较为合理 ,但豆及豆制品偏低 ,乳类几乎为零 ,而食用油 ,特别是动物性油偏高 ,热能消耗量与食物摄入量达到平衡 ,与供给标准比较也基本满足。蛋白质供能占 9.2 % ,优质蛋白质为总热量的 3.8%。由于大多数教师不吃午饭 ,早、晚餐热量偏高 ,中餐热量明显缺乏 (仅为 13.6 % )。钙、锌、视黄醇、核黄素、硫胺素摄入低于供给标准。结论 教师总热量摄入基本能满足需要 ,但膳食结构和三餐分配不够合理。建议改善膳食结构 ,适当增加大豆制品、乳制品、水产品、深色绿叶蔬菜及猪肝、蛋类等食物 ,减少猪油的摄入量 ,逐步改善饮食习惯 ,增加中餐的摄入量。
Objective To understand the nurtitional status and daily energy expenditure of the middle school teachers in a poor monutain area.Method A five-day dietary investigation was carried out by weighing and recording their daily food intake.The daily activity time was recorded and the energy expenditure was calculated according to the table of'The Energy Expenditure in Various Activity'.Results The ratio of animal food to vegetable was suitable.The intake of bean and its products was low,but the intake of fat was high,especially the animal fat.Most of them never drink milk.The energy expenditure was balanced with energy intake,and conforms to the recommended dietary allowance(RDA).The energy produced by protein,fat and carbohydrate was 9.2%,41.7%,and 49.0% of the total energy respectively.High quality protein intake was 3.8% of the total energy.As many teachers did not have lunch,the energy intake at breakfast and supper was high,and at lunch was very low,only accounted for 13.6% of the total energy.The intake of calcium,zinc,retinol,riboflavin nad thiamin was low.The intake of iron in female teachers was low.Conclusion The energy intake of teachers is enough to meet their need,but their food composition and energy distribution in 3 meals daily was not suitable.It is suggestted that more beans, milk,fish,eggs and their products,and dark green vegetables be eaten, less lard,their dietary regime be changed and their lunch every day.
Suzhou University Journal of Medical Science