在实验的基础上 ,就小型半导体冷藏柜的设计要点及组装工艺进行了分析 ,制冷负荷及运行工况的确定、半导体制冷器件及元件的选型、散热、吸热方式的选择、以及组装工艺等环节 ,是提高制冷系数的关键技术。还就热管用于半导体制冷器件热端散热的优势进行了分析 。
On the basis of the experiments,this paper analyses main design points and assemble technology of small semiconductor cooling box It is a key technology of raising refrigerant coefficient to define refrigerant load and run condition,selecting and using semiconductor refrigerant device and component elements,choosing the form of absorption and leave of heat and so on.The paper also analyses the superiority of heat pipe radiator used to heat surface of semiconductor refrigerant device for cooling,and gives some useful measures of raising refrigerant coefficient.
Journal of Shijiazhuang Railway Institute