本文叙述了一种用于空气中测量料位的换能器,它向纵向振子为策动源,台阶补偿高阶弯曲板为辐射面,并为发收两用型。 该换能器具有高指向性、低机械Qm值和高灵敏度的特点,已成功用于量程为20m煤仓的煤位检测。
This paper describes a transducer that is intended for measuring the level of material in air. The elements connected longditudially in the array are used as the driving source and the high-order step-compensated flexural mode plate acts as the radiating face. The transducer works as both the sound projector and the echo receiver. It is characterized by high directivity,low mechanical Q and high sensitivity. A level measurement of coal in the coal bin bas been successfully made in the range of 20m.
Technical Acoustics